Entries by Steef van Wort

Dutch contingent and Dambordvliegen ready for Korean expedition. The Dutch Contingent, led by the amazing Dambordvliegen team, is all set for their adventure at the World Scout Jamboree – Dutch Contingent in Korea! 🌍 We send them our best wishes for a successful and fun-filled experience. Good luck, team! And let’s not forget their iconic bucket hats, […]

New build Carousel

As the market needs change, our engineers face more and more challenging tasks. Currently, a production project for a cable carousel with a diameter of 23 meters is being prepared. The manufactured carousel will be shipped to PASSER LARS and used for both offshore wind and oil and gas markets.

What a journey!

After picking up our state-of-the-art carousel and drive system in Blyth 7 months ago, this week marks the completion of the project! The carousel has traveled around the world over the past months, but will be returning home end of July! One standout feature of our unique carousel is the liftability of our custom-designed basket […]

Spooling in the USA, then Guyana – here we come!

Last year, you saw us mobilising a carousel (turntable + liftable basket) in Blyth. Now we are spooling an umbilical in that very same Carousel in the USA for our client. This work relates to the Payara Field Development Project, located in the Stabroek Block approximately 200km off the coast of Guyana with a water […]